
公司隆重紀念中國共產(chǎn)黨成立97周年 The company solemnly commemorated the 97th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China

2018-11-06 18:27 / 查看:4325 view:4325
6月29日,公司參加白堿灘區(qū)黨工委舉辦的紅歌大賽。榮獲三等獎。公司黨支部的節(jié)目《祖國不會忘記》在三平路街道“不忘初心唱響新篇章 牢記使命筑夢新時代”慶七一文藝匯演暨“黨旗映天山”主題黨日活動榮獲三等獎。
In order to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China, review the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, further stimulate the vitality of the organization of company party branches, enhance the sense of honor and mission of the majority of party members, guide the majority of party cadres to love the party more, support the party, stimulate the patriotic faith of the majority of party cadres,the company party branch held a series of activities as the "July 1st" is coming,.
On June 27th, "12371" themed party day was held, and all party members, active applicants participated. Activities such as reciting the oath of party, giving lectures to party members and donating money to poor areas in southern of Xinjiang were carried out.
On June 29th, the company participated in the red song contest held by the party work committee of Baijiantan District and won the third prize. The program of the company party branch, "the motherland will not forget", won the third prize in the street of Sanping Road.